10 Medals at the Super Youth Circuit in Houston
The club did fantastic at the Houston Super Youth Circuit event! Congratulations to Blake Gordon and Connor Gibson for their first place finishes! Connor won the Y14 Saber event and Blake won the Y12 Saber event. Those weren't the only medals though! In Y12 Women's Saber Allie Gordon got the bronze, in Y14 Women;s Saber Arden Youngblood got the Silver and her sister Avery got the Bronze, in Y14 Men's Saber Mason Mitchell got Silver, and in Y10 Men's Saber Jason Meng got the Silver. We also had a couple of very good top 8 finishes. Dylan Black finished 7th in the Y12 Men's Saber, George Neal finished 6th in Y14 Saber and Blake Gordon finished 8th! Since this was a SYC event all the kids who placed will earn national points!